会议名称(中文): 国际电化学学会第14次专题会议
会议名称(英文): 14th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
所属学科: 分析化学,物理化学,电子工程
开始日期: 2014-03-29
结束日期: 2014-04-01
所在国家: 中华人民共和国
所在城市: 江苏省 南京市
具体地点: Istanbul, Turkey
主办单位: 国际电化学学会
议题: Bioelectrochemistry & Bioelectroanalysis
E-MAIL: events@ise-online.org
会议网站: http://topical14.ise-online.org/
会议背景介绍: The Spring ISE Meeting is an international scientific congress focused on a single theme undergoing vigorous development, which does not overlap with that of the Annual Meeting held in the same year. It is normally attended by 100-200 electrochemists and is held in a different continent from that of the Annual Meeting.